My Love My Life

My Love My Life
Dream big, earn it, enjoy life

Sunday, November 18, 2007


LiStEniNg To ThiS SoNg ...Can ReLy Makes Me CrY... Of alL PrObLeMs, y MuSt I ThiNk Of ThiS ...WhAt ShAll I do? ...WhAt Can I Do...>.<
I FeEl SO DowN EaCh N EvErYdAy...
I DuNno WaD To Do...
Im AlWaYs JoYfUlL WhEn Im AmoNg My FwEns..
MakEs Me FeEl DiFfErEnt
FeEl ThT Im FrEe
AlL My FwEns ThiNks ThT Im ReLy HaPpy...AlMoSt EvErYtiMe
BuT NoBoDy NoEs
ThT WhEn im aloNe, At HoMe...
AloT Of ThiNgs WiLL COmE To My MiNd...
SaD n AnGrY MoMeNts in My ThOuGht...
Or AnYthiNg Tht maKes Me DoWn...HaPpEnS At HoME...
I FeLt I WaS caPtUrEd AgaiN n LoCkeD Up...
I DiDn NoE WaD To Do...
I CuD JuSt CrY
TeArs Of PaiN N SoRrOw...
P/S: If u GuYs ThiNk ThT iM TalkiNg CrAp....WeLl, I ApOlOgiZe...Im JuSt TyPiNg WaD iM FeEliNg RiTe NoW... >.<
I gotta say what's in my mind
Something about us
doesn't seem right these days
life keeps getting in the way
Whenever we try, somehow the plan
is always rearranged
It's so hard to say
But I've gotta do what's best for me
You'll be ok..
I've go to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own away
Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
and I watch them fall everytime
Another colour turns to grey
and it's just too hard to watch it all
slowly fade away
I'm leaving today 'cause I've
gotta do what's best for me
you'll be ok..
I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own away

What about us?
What about everything we've been through?

What about trust?

you know I never wanted to hurt you

and what about me?

What am I supposed to do?

I gotta leave but I'll miss you

I'll miss you

I've got to move on to be who I am

Why do u have to go?

I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand

We might find a place in this
world someday
but atleast for now

I want you to stay

I wanna go my own way
I've got to move on and be who I am

What about us?

I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand

We might find our place in this
world someday
but atleast for now
I gotta go my own away

I gotta go my own away
I gotta go my own away... ='(

Sunday, November 11, 2007

WAHHH....FiNAlLy!!! 2pid website =.=!! make me cannot log in for dunno how many weeks d @_@ ...anyways...LONG TIME NO BLOG LIAO~ xDDD ...hmm....wad can i start leh...>.<.. hmm....well..recently i went to sunway...lagoon~ haha...we played all the rides....except the mine train...raining la tht day...then they say close...=.=!! ...zha dao... at first we sit the rapid....i wan to sit or not...later chicken out...=X ...the ride make me abit scared oso...xD but we didn get ready wet... so we sit the LOG ...we were wet like shyt~ xDDD ....oh ya....there were oso a new ride...keng man~! feel like sitting~!! hahahaha....LETS GO NEXT TIME....GO GO...lolx...i like tht say ar now...later go there again...dunno hahahaa.....but all the while...we were there n had fun...n we ate sushiii~ take pic...n lots?....u can see jo's blog to see the pics xDDDDD... oh wait...rmb sumthing ...haha...goin out on the tuesday again ....xD but to midv ==!! dunno wad are we gonna do there....sure will feel bored geh...=X ....ok..i guess i stop here...tml oni i continue....or maybe tuesday i continue~ xDDDD CYA~~!