FINALLY! Exam is ooooooverrrrr~ xP
i can act rest for once without looking through my sub books - -
for now atleast lol ..
so many things for the past weeeks ..bad things n good things
as usual ..nth much to say
dun rely wan to recall anything tht is sad as i dun wan to remember it
now, im rely rely waiting for a day to go out ..hang wit fwens
which i didn do tht for quite sum time already ..- -
twisted my toe waiting for it to recover n i dun hav to say ouch all the time when i walk lol
act im wishing to go to a book store to get a book to read ..STORY book xP
to pass the time n all atleast ..rather to sit n do nth at all ..haha
ending here btw lol! i hav no idea wad to rite, stil SLEEPY LOL hahhaha
i'll write longer other time or post pics xPPPPPPP